New Moon in Scorpio 28th October 2019

The New Moon takes place at 04°25’ of the Sign of Scor­pio. It main­ly affects Tau­rus, Leo, Scor­pio, and Aquar­ius per­sons, who are born in the first ten days of their Sign.

The New Moon also affects the Signs of Aries, Can­cer, Libra
and Capri­corn, born in the sec­ond decan.

New Moon that caus­es explo­sive sit­u­a­tions, anger, sep­a­ra­tions, decep­tive allure, and ide­al­iza­tions of lovers, is tak­ing place on the night of Octo­ber the 28th.

It is a mix of incom­pat­i­ble and con­tra­dic­to­ry ener­gies, this Moon, which takes place at 4° 25’ of the Sign of Scorpio.

New Moon in Scorpio

The Moon in Scor­pio is intense emo­tions, buried emo­tions, taboo emo­tions. It is super­charged psy­cho­log­i­cal inten­si­ty, urges of the psy­che pow­er­ful enough to transform.

Each New Moon in Scor­pio com­bines emo­tion­al depth with strong will and thus becomes a source of psy­cho­log­i­cal strength.

With this par­tic­u­lar New Moon in Scor­pio, how­ev­er,
this strength is expressed rather sud­den­ly, 
rather unex­pect­ed­ly, and brings tension.

Plan­et Uranus is almost pre­cise­ly in an oppo­si­tion to the New Moon, so all of the Scorpio’s emo­tion­al inten­si­ty and need for trans­for­ma­tion makes us excit­ed, rest­less, need­ing our inde­pen­dence and fills us with nervousness.

Any­thing that is not as we would want and would desire, fills us with frus­tra­tion. We want the world and now we want it now, in an expres­sion of intense deter­mi­na­tion that comes out jerkily.

Espe­cial­ly the oppo­si­tion of Uranus to the Sun brings rebel­lious­ness, strong inde­pen­dence and a need to escape from manip­u­la­tive and emo­tion­al­ly com­plex relationships.

Atten­tion is need­ed, because this elec­tri­cal­ly charged New Moon brings abrupt changes that sur­prise us, emo­tion­al cold­ness, cracks in rela­tion­ships or even breakups.

Where we have to pay attention

It is a New Moon in Scor­pio that requires spe­cial atten­tion as it brings either ten­sion or ener­gy loss.

Espe­cial­ly the Fixed Signs (Tau­rus, Leo, Scor­pio, Aquar­ius) of the first decan, as well as the Car­di­nal Signs (Aries, Can­cer, Libra, Capri­corn) of the sec­ond decan, should watch out, because this New Moon may:

  • Relate to unex­pect­ed events that chal­lenge what is familiar.
  • Bring ten­sions that will shake their emo­tion­al secu­ri­ty and their love life.
  • Cause rash and unthought­ful reactions.
  • Exag­ger­ate any feel­ings of oppres­sion and weight felt in our rela­tion­ships, and trig­ger a rethink­ing of “how” and “why” we are with the oth­er person.
  • Cre­ate fog­gy sit­u­a­tions and mis­tak­en expec­ta­tions, either erot­i­cal­ly or sex­u­al­ly, result­ing in frus­tra­tion or spend­ing of energy.
  • Bring ten­sions, anger, and crises that will lead to breakups and separations.

So, hav­ing the nec­es­sary patience to remain polite, to be diplo­mat­ic, to be less reac­tive and more com­pro­mis­ing, are the only ways to avoid the tensions.

Gem­i­ni, Vir­go, Sagit­tar­ius, and Pisces Signs are less affect­ed by the ener­gy of the New Moon, but nev­er­the­less, they also have to be careful:

  • Not to fall for on the delu­sion­al charm of tem­po­rary eroti­cism. Or even if they do… at least to know what’s going on and why they do it.

So find the strength to be gen­tle and kind and soon­er or lat­er… this moon shall pass.

By astrologer Andrew Ifan­dis